Court decision alarms Southland farmers

A recent Court of Appeal decision is poised to affect farmers in Southland.
This ruling relates to Rule 24 of Environment Southland’s proposed Regional Water Plan. Essentially, Rule 24 allows for the discharge of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment, or microbial contaminants onto or into land, provided that, after reasonable mixing, these discharges do not adversely affect the receiving waterway.
Farmers - are you accidentally paying your employees below minimum wage?

Farming is seasonal; it is a business that creates the need for employees (with their agreement) to work additional hours at different times of the year. When requiring employees to work those additional hours, farmers need to ensure compliance with the Minimum Wage Act 1983, which cannot be contracted out of.
Moooving Day - Farm Accommodation

If you provide accommodation for staff on your farm, you’re subject to the Residential Tenancies Act 1986.
It’s not uncommon for our lawyers to see a look of surprise when we tell our clients they have to comply with the same rules as any other landlord providing a residential tenancy, or risk finding themselves in a Tenancy Tribunal hearing.
Overseas Investment Act and Forestry

Changes to the Overseas Investment Act 2005 will come into force on 22 October 2018. The amendments have implications for overseas persons looking to purchase residential land, and also forestry and horticulture land. This article will focus on interesting changes for the overseas purchase of forestry land.
Mycoplasma Bovis and Compensation

MPI confirmed on 26 March 2018 that all stock on properties infected with M Bovis will be culled. Stock on properties under a restricted place notice or notices of direction will not be culled.
The actions taken by MPI are set out under the Biosecurity Act 1993 and this Act allows for farmers affected to be compensated for verifiable losses.