Where there's a Will...
Recently, it’s been highlighted to me how important it is to have a Will and to make sure it is up to date. A Will deals with your property upon your death. Property includes real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, life insurance policies, shares, your Kiwisaver/superannuation account and your ‘stuff’ in general.
Border Re-Opening & Work to Residency Pathways
The Government has recently announced changes to New Zealand’s immigration settings which will result in New Zealand’s borders opening to the free flow of non-New Zealand citizens and residents for the first time since the borders were closed on the 19th of March 2020. The border re-openings are happening gradually over the first half of this year but they will be fully open to all international visitors by the 1st of August 2022.
Fair Pay Agreement Bill
The Fair Pay Agreement Bill recently passed its first reading in Parliament. This Bill, if enacted into law, may result in the biggest shake up to the employment sector since the Employment Contracts Act 1991.
Has the Sun Set on Sunset Clauses?
‘Off-plan’ sale and purchase agreements are attractive to both vendors and purchasers.
The vendor bears the risk that the cost to complete the project increases after the agreement has been signed, however, by locking in the purchaser to a fixed price, they can predict sales revenue reasonably accurately before development begins, satisfying their funder that it is economically viable and helping them to secure finance.
Although the purchasers bear the risk of the development taking longer to complete than expected, leaving their deposit tied up for this period, it allows them to enter the market at the today’s price with the hope that the property will have increased in value by the time they move in.
These agreements typically include ‘sunset clauses’.
Everything you need to know about the Minimum Wage
When starting out in employment it is important that you know what you are entitled to be paid. There are three different types of minimum wages in New Zealand:
- Starting out wage;
- Training wage;
- Adult wage.