
You Need a Will and Here's Why

This is not my area of law (I have plenty of capable lawyers in my firm who do this work). However, it is an issue that is constantly coming up and something which constantly frustrates me. I cannot understand why people do not have a Will. And I really urge people to invest in an Enduring Power of Attorney.

Here is why.


I've got a dispute - how do I resolve it?

When it comes to dispute resolution, there are many available options. Choosing the right option for your dispute is crucial to ensuring you can resolve your dispute in the most time and cost effective manner.

There are three main types of dispute resolution procedures:


Changes to 90 Day Trial Periods

On 23 December 2023, the Government changed the use of trial periods in employment agreements so they can now be used by all employers, not just employers with 19 or fewer employees as had formerly been the case. It is important that employers and employees understand the basics rules around trial periods.


You and Your Fence

Planning to build a new boundary fence or need to maintain a current fence? The Fencing Act 1978 provides clear guidance for building or maintaining a fence on your boundary.

If you can, you should talk to your neighbour direct. Oftentimes, arrangements can be made between parties in an relaxed and straightforward way. However, even if you are on good terms with your neighbour, it is helpful to understand your rights and obligations under the Act.


Changes to Raising Personal Grievances for Sexual Harrassment

To raise a personal grievance, employees usually need to inform their employer within 90 days of when the issue happened or when they found out about it (whichever is later). An amendment to the Employment Relations Act came into force on 13 June 2023. This amendment changes the usual time limit for raising a personal grievance to 12 months for sexual harassment, rather than 90 days.