Articles: by Mary-Jane Thomas

Snacks, Shoes & Supression

Let’s say you decide to walk out of the supermarket without paying for your snacks. Or maybe you attack someone on the street and steal their snazzy shoes (not speaking from experience I promise…). If you are charged with a criminal offence, are you required to tell your employer? If the offending is relevant to the nature of your job, then the answer is yes. Failure to inform your employer of any relevant criminal charges is a breach of good faith which can result in disciplinary action or even dismissal.


Keep calm and make good decisions

This morning I was feeling particularly unattractive so decided it was going to be a big make up day. I spent considerable effort on my eyes to detract from the lines around my mouth (women will get this – men ask women over 40).

Having achieved a look which involved a heavy eyeliner on my top lid from a liquid pen I then started thinking about other stuff. I reached for


Did I Say That Out Loud?

I think we have all had those moments where we wish we could speak our minds about colleagues, employers/employees and sometimes even clients. But most people recognise that this would be inappropriate, or at the very least you value your job enough not to open your mouth. Unsurprisingly, if you are rude or uncommunicative your employer may be entitled to investigate any incidents and try to improve your performance. Depending on the nature of the incident, it could amount to serious misconduct.


Tea bags and other assorted irritations

The world has gone crazy. All I wanted today for morning tea was a cup of Earl Grey tea. What did I find? - packet after packet of green tea and berry tea. When I asked why we did not have ordinary tea apparently we don’t drink ordinary tea anymore because “we all drink green tea or berry tea.”

Well I don’t!


U r fired (Fire emoji) - How not to dismiss employees

Has your employer fired you over text message? Has your employer made claims about your behaviour, but can’t remember times or dates when said behavior occurred? Has your employer failed to discuss matters with you at all before deciding to fire you? You probably don’t need a lawyer to tell you that this sort of conduct by employers is not only unprofessional, but illegal. If you find yourself in a situation like this you may also be entitled to claim thousands of dollars in compensation.