The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

On 4 July 2022, Immigration New Zealand introduced the new Accredited Employer Work Visa. In short, where genuine skill or labour shortages exist, accredited employers can hire skilled migrant workers using the AEWV.
This Visa requires employers who are wanting to employ migrants to become accredited. Once accredited, the employer can invite migrants to apply for the job which will allow the migrant to apply for a visa within NZ, including through the new Accredited Employer Work Visa.
Border Re-Opening & Work to Residency Pathways

The Government has recently announced changes to New Zealand’s immigration settings which will result in New Zealand’s borders opening to the free flow of non-New Zealand citizens and residents for the first time since the borders were closed on the 19th of March 2020. The border re-openings are happening gradually over the first half of this year but they will be fully open to all international visitors by the 1st of August 2022.
Introducing the New 2021 Residency Visa

Are you a migrant seeking residency in NZ? If yes, then we have some great news for you! You might be eligible for the new 2021 Residency Visa.
Hurry, because this visa is only available until 21st July 2022
Immigration changes

With New Zealand’s borders still shut to most countries, added pressure has been put on Immigration New Zealand (INZ) to process both visas for migrants already residing in NZ and those wanting to enter. In response to this, the government has announced a once-in-a generation reset on the immigration system, designed, says Tourism Minister Stuart Nash, to “get ahead of population growth and avoid returning to the pre-COVID status quo”.
Covid-19: Immigration (Covid-19 Response) Amendment Bill 2020
The current Immigration Act 2009 only has three provisions relating to emergencies. This is inadequate to deal with the current Covid-19 emergency. A new piece of legislation is being rushed through parliament to respond to visa issues that have arisen due to Covid-19.
There are currently 350,000 temporary visa holders in New Zealand.