Hey Santa - my toy is broken!

The holidays are a time for joy, relaxation and spending time with loved ones, but there is one thing in particular that can ruin everyone’s holidays: a broken toy. Knowing your rights as a consumer and how to address such issues can help alleviate the stress and mend such festive tragedies.
Restructuring a business - consultation trumps confidentiality

A recent case Birthing Centre Ltd v Matsas serves as a reminder that consultation plays an important part of an employer undertaking a restructure, even when there are concerns around confidentiality.
What Happens to Employees when you Buy or Sell a Business?

When you buy or sell a business there is a lot to think about. Sometimes what is overlooked is a proper consideration of what happens to the employees affected by the sale.
I've got a dispute - how do I resolve it?

When it comes to dispute resolution, there are many available options. Choosing the right option for your dispute is crucial to ensuring you can resolve your dispute in the most time and cost effective manner.
There are three main types of dispute resolution procedures:
Business Restructures - Get it Right

Employers often look to restructures when economic uncertainty is looming. With that in mind it is vital employers fully understand their legal requirements if looking to restructure and make staff changes.